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The Network

Whatcom County has a number of organizations that are engaged in watershed management and each brings its own perspective for the common goal.  For more detailed information on each of these groups, please visit their respective websites and learn how you may become involved in their efforts.

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Steering Committee Member Organizations

The City of Bellingham's Public Works department works to enhance Bellingham’s quality of life through the construction and operation of a safe, effective physical environment; protect public health, safety and natural resources; and provide neighborhoods, businesses and visitors with efficient, quality services necessary to meet the demands of our growing, diverse community.

Public Utility District No. 1 of Whatcom County is a steward of water and energy resources providing locally controlled utility services and resource protection for the benefit of the residents, businesses and agricultural community of greater Whatcom

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Whatcom County Public Works Natural Resources Division's mission is to manage, sustain, enhance, and protect Whatcom County’s natural environment to meet the needs of present and future generations by providing sound natural resource services for the common good of the people, being a resource to our community, and supporting environmental stewardship.

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The WSU Extension mission is to engage people, organizations and communities to advance knowledge, economic well- being and quality of life by fostering inquire, learning, and the application of research.


The Whatcom Marine Resources Committee’s purpose is to guide local communities, using up-to-date information and scientific expertise, to achieve the important goals of marine resource conservation and habitat protection within the Northwest Straits.

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The WRIA 1 Watershed Management Board coordinates and facilitates implementation of WRIA 1 programs including the WRIA 1 Watershed Management Plan, WRIA 1 Salmon Recovery Program, and the Whatcom Local Integrating Organization. 

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The Network

BTC provides student-centered, high-quality professional technical education for today's needs and tomorrow's opportunities.

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The BBWARM District was created in response to community concerns about water quality, flooding, and loss of aquatic habitat in the Birch Bay watershed. BBWARM’s stormwater program focuses on protecting water quality and reducing stormwater impacts.

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GSSC inspires students to take responsibility for their environment and natural resources. We teach students to practice watershed healthy habits, engage the participation of their families and communities, and become engaged in scientific study. Today's children are the leaders of tomorrow.

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NSEA strives to recover salmon by engaging our community in restoration, education and stewardship.

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NCI's mission is to inspire & empower environmental stewardship for all through transformative educational experience in nature.

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Orca Network is dedicated to raising awareness of the whales of the Pacific Northwest, and the importance of providing them healthy and safe habitats.

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The Port of Bellingham promotes sustainable economic development, optimizes transportation gateways, and manages publicly owned land and facilities to benefit Whatcom County.

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RE Sources promotes sustainable communities and protects the health of northwestern Washington's people and ecosystems through application of science, education, advocacy, and action. Our vision is to see people living satisfying lives in accord with the ecosystem we depend on — generation after generation.

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The WA Sea Grant mission is to help people and marine life thrive by supplying research, technical expertise and educational activities that support the responsible use and conservation of ocean and coastal ecosystems.

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The Washington State Department of Ecology's mission is to protect, preserve, and enhance Washington’s land, air, and water for current and future generations. Our vision is to foster innovative partnerships to sustain healthy land, air, and water in harmony with a strong economy.

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WCEE is a supportive network of collaborators committed to expanding and deepening access to high-quality culturally responsive environmental education for every child across Whatcom County.

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The Whatcom Conservation District's missions is to serve present and future generations of Whatcom County through a natural resource conservation program of leadership, partnership, and technical, educational and financial assistance to foster a healthy, sustainable relationship between people and the environment.

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The goal of the Parks and Recreation Department is to enrich the quality of life for the community and preserve the natural and cultural heritage of the County through provision of outstanding parks and trails, open space and natural areas, as well as recreational activities and Senior Services.

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The mission of Whatcom Land Trust is to preserve and protect wildlife habitat, scenic, agricultural and open space lands in Whatcom County for future generations by securing interests in land and promoting land stewardship.

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The Whatcom Marine Mammal Stranding Network (WMMSN) is a 501 (c) (3) state & federal non-profit organization of volunteers who are dedicated to the care of distressed or deceased marine mammals.

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Wild Whatcom fosters lifelong connections to nature. We do this in order to promote the health and well-being of young people in our community and to support our community in raising a generation of environmental stewards who care about each other and the planet

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